Structr on Windows#
To run Structr on Windows, you have three options:
Download and install the MSI package from
Install Structr under the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
or install the binary distribution by following the instructions below:
Make sure you have Java JDK 8 installed on your machine. The standard JRE package which is installed by default on most computers is not sufficient because it doesn’t contain the Java Compiler (javac.exe).
If you don’t have Java JDK 8 installed, please jump to the corresponding section below.
Install Structr
Download and install Structr
Download the latest Structr distribution file (… from
Unzip the distribution archive
Move the file to the location you want Structr to run from, here we choose the Desktop folder. Unzip the file (typically with “Extract here”).
Start Structr
Start Structr with the following command:
java -cp lib/*; org.structr.Server
This will start a new java process, including all libraries in the lib folder, starting the main class “org.structr.Server”. A new configuration file named “structr.conf” will be automatically created upon first startup. You should see startup messages similar to the following figure:

You can stop the Structr process with “Ctrl-C”.
Verify installation
To verifiy Structr is running properly, go to http://localhost:8082/structr and check if you can see the login prompt.
Login with admin/admin and get started with your application.

After login, you should see the following: ( In newer versions the Welcome-Page is not included in the seed anymore - so you will not see this page )

Check Java version
You can check the Java version with
C:\>where java
Download and install JDK 8
If you get C:\Windows\System32\java.exe
or an empty response, go to and download the JDK version for your operating system (32 or 64 bit).
Follow the installation instructions from here:
Install and configure JDK
Please note: The images in this article show JDK 7 but JDK 8 is required for Structr 2.0 and later.
Now you need to activate the installed Java version. Open the Java Runtime Environment Settings from the Java Control Panel, found in Control Panel > Programs:

Click on “Find” and navigate to the location of the newly installed JDK:

Click “Next”, select the entry found, click “Finish” to confirm the selection.

Deactivate the old and activate the new Java location:

Change %PATH% variable
In order to make the new Java version available for running Structr, it’s good practice to add it to the global %PATH% environment variable.
Go to “Control Panel > System and Security > System”, click the “Advanced” tab and click on “Environment Variables”.

Click on “Edit” and change the value to reflect the new JDK location:

IMPORTANT: Make sure the path to your new JDK location is at the very beginning of the path variable!
To confirm new settings, open a new Command Prompt window (cmd) and type
C:\Users\IEUser\>where java
C:\Users\IEUser\>where javac
Both commands should return the paths to the JDK executables java.exe and javac.exe, similar to these:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin\java.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin\javac.exe

Important Note: Unless you have javac.exe available in the path, you’re not running a full JDK, and Structr will not run at all, showing errors when trying to compile the dynamic schema at startup (you will see a lot of NodeExtender exceptions in the log).