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all(collection, expression)


Evaluates a StructrScript expression for every element of a collection and returns true if the expression evaluates to true for all of the elements. The keyword data contains a reference to the loop variable. See also: any() and none().


${all(user.groups, is_allowed(data, current, 'read'))}

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Evaluates a StructrScript expression for every element of a collection and returns true if the expression evaluates to true for all of the elements. The keyword data contains a reference to the loop variable. See also: any() and none().

all(collection, expression)


Calls the SchemaMethod with the given name and returns the result. This method is used to execute global schema methods (methods that are not associated with a type).

call(name [, key1, value1 [, ... ]] )
$.call(name [, map])


In any other than the JavaScript context, you are required to use get() and call() to access built-in functions and constants. This results in code like the following example.

Business Logic

The third option to implement logic is to use a global schema method, especially when the logic is not bound to a specific type. Global schema methods can be called via REST using a special maintenance endpoint, scheduled for execution with a cron-like syntax or called from any scripting envrionment using the call() or call_privileged() functions.