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Returns the capitalization of the given string.



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Capitalizes a String changing the first character to title case. No other characters are changed. If the first character has no explicit titlecase mapping and is not itself a titlecase char according to UnicodeData, then the uppercase mapping is returned as an equivalent titlecase mapping.


Dynamic Content / Repeater

The find() function is another Structr built-in function, just like capitalize() we used in the page’s title and heading above. The find() function takes as argument the name of a type and returns a collection of all instances of this type.

Page Title

Note how the title of the page starts with an uppercase letter, even though its name begins with a lowercase letter. The capitalize() function turns the first character of a string to uppercase.

This expression is a call to the Structr system function capitalize(), which prints the first letter of the given string in upper case. As an argument to the capitalize function another expression is provided: